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The Start of our Journey

This first post will be short and sweet just to share with you guys a little of what we have planned right now. To start off with, the genre of our game is a 3D action-adventure inspired by the fantasy and cleverness of dungeon-styled games such as The Legend of Zelda and Okami. The plot of our game right now is going under heavy construction and we're frankly still trying to come up on something that we can all agree on. Tons of ideas are being tossed around and I love seeing everyone's inner workings being brought to life with words and pictures.

Speaking of pictures, this is some of the artwork that our lead ACM (Academy for Creative Media) student, Joel Shibata, designed for our main character.

There's no name for it, but the overall theme we wanted with this game was "spirits." What that means to our main character is that it has a spirit arm that it can conjure up at will to use as a weapon or as utility such as......

A parachute!

The designs are still very much in the early stages, but I just wanted to share some of the work produced by one of our many talented minds just to fill up the page and start off our first post on a good note.

I'll come to share more after we kind of have a grasp on who we want our character to be and why it is the way it is. If you guys are my classmates reading this, please feel free to give me your input, I'd love to hear from you guys and would be more than willing to chat in or out of the classroom. In fact, I look forward to that! My contact info will be posted on the "About" page of our site so just hit me up however you like.

Thanks for reading my first blog entry, I'll be sure to try and update frequently as our project grows.


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